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Think before you type
Email is a part of nearly every facet of modern life, so in addition to knowing everyday etiquette rules, top-notch email skills are essential, both in the personal and business spheres. Since you use email all the time, you might think you’ve got this covered. But similar to wedding etiquette, email etiquette rules can be very specialized and change quickly.
“Your emails are often the best—and sometimes only—demonstration of the quality of your communication skills,” says technology etiquette expert Michele L. Olivier, CEO of O&H Consulting. “Good email etiquette makes a good impression on others, is an important job skill, and reduces inbox anxiety for the sender and the receiver.”
Plus, proper email etiquette doesn’t just cover social, cultural, and professional aspects—it also encompasses some unique technological rules, says Toni Dupree, CEO of Etiquette & Style by Dupree. Because of the rapidly evolving nature of technology, what’s “good” and “bad” changes frequently.
Thankfully you don’t need to take an etiquette class to help you stay on top of the latest trends. We asked etiquette experts to share the most current rules so you can make the right impression every time you hit send.
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Use your name in your email address
[email protected] might have been funny back in the day, but it’s time to get rid of that old account. Email addresses are used for everything from making doctor’s appointments to applying for jobs, so adults need a normal, easy-to-understand email address. Stick to using a combination of your name and a few numbers when creating an email account. Don’t worry: You can always forward messages from your old accounts to your new one so you don’t have to start from scratch.